Monetising Newsletters

There are several ways to use Video Newsletters as a business opportunity:

Industry Video Newsletters

Firstly, you can produce a video newsletter that is targeted to a specific industry and then charge non-competitive companies who wish to promote themselves to that industry, to appear in a newsletter.

Just as many national newspapers and magazines started with a small local newsletter, your video newsletter could become the mouthpiece of your industry with you in control!

Niche Topic Newsletters and Blogs

You can create video newsletters on any subject, from fishing to franchising, and embed them into a blog or dedicated news site full of affiliate links to related e-commerce platforms.

As those following your blog or subscribing to your website increase, so will the commissions from your affiliate partners. And once you have enough viewers advertisers will pay to be included in your newsletter.

YouTube Channels

You can also create a video news channel (Newsroom) on YouTube and generate income from YouTube advertisers as the subscribers and viewers increase.

Membership organisations and Trade Bodies

If you run a membership organisation or trade body, you can charge your members and suppliers to feature in your Video Newsletters.

We offer trade bodies a 20% discount so you do not have to generate a huge income to very quickly get into profit.

For more information or even to discuss a possible joint venture please do not hesitate to contact us.